All-purpose oil
Mature seeds of Malunggay can produce high-value oil that can be used in various food and product manufacturing. Because of its little tendency to deteriorate, it is used as lubricant for fine machineries. Its good anti-oxidant properties make it in-demand in the manufacturing of perfumes, personal care and therapeutic products, and cosmetics. Most importantly, Moringa oil is predominantly oleic acid that is widely-used in food industry. The edible oil can lower blood levels of cholesterol, improve lipid profiles and modify harmful inflammation.
Water Purifier
The effectiveness of Malunggay as water treatment agent is not affected after seed oil extraction. The Malunggay presscake, by-product of the extraction process, has the ability to clear murky water as it acts as a coagulant which attaches to particulate matter and bacteria in the water and falls to the bottom of the container. Several university studies in laboratories and in the field have demonstrated the usefulness of the presscake in water purification. This is now the subject of extensive studies because it’s estimated that 1.3 billion people in the world use contaminated water for drinking and cooking.
Malunggay’s medicinal value can be ascribed to its anti-biotic and anti-inflammatory properties to treat arthritis, rheumatism, gout, cramp, boils, and sexually transmitted disease.
Animal Feeds and Fertilizer
The Malunggay presscake can also be used as animal feeds and fertilizer because of it still contains high protein.